*an apple a day keeps the hunger away.*
Hey! Sorry about my absence over the weekend... Had a special weekend away with my honey! But I am back and ready to share some more FITspiration! Ready... Set.. Here we go!
So... Looking back to the quote of the day, you may notice a bit of a difference then the commonly heard phrase and for good reason. An apple a day really will help keep not only the dr away but also hunger! It is proven that an apple as an afternoon snack can help suppress hunger.. Also they are a good source of vitamine c and fiber! So try to throw an apple into your daily diet as a healthy snack option! :)
My next tip of the day... What to drink, what to drink? Well personally I think overall water is best. If you are thirsty, grab a bottle or cup of water.. However I am realistic and I know most people are not like me and don't enjoy just water. So... Next best option I can offer is GREEN TEA. Drinking green tea daily can help boost your metabolism nd the anti-oxidants in it can make your skin look amazing! So if you are tired of ice cold water.. No biggie! Just brew a pot of green tea and get chugging on that too! As with everything please remember moderation is key to ANY diet! Don't abandon all water because of this post.. Keep with at least 8bottles of water a day.. And add in a few cups of green tea for a variety. :)
Next fun nutrition tip.. Eat spicy food! ...now you probably are like wtf! But no seriously... Add some spice to that grilled chicken and it will help raise your metabolism while you digest it. The spice wakes up your body! Flavorless chicken is boring so don't be afraid now to add some kick! Haha
Okay... My next thing is actually something I read in a magazine back in highschool but still love it! Need to amp up a workout with weights... Try filling up a water bottle and use those as hand weights. Their are different size water bottles so you can adjust to your needs in a workout. Soo easy and simple! Totally recommend you try this.
My last plug of the night is something I honestly believe in for a healthy lifestyle... While most of your vitamines and such should come from food, we are all human and are not perfect on a daily basis so I strongly encourage taking a daily vitamine. Remember though... DO NOT take them on an empty stomach. Doing so is pointless. They need food in your system to help them absorb properly. I usually take mine after my breakfast but do whatever works for your schedule. :)
as always... Stay positive, we are on this journey together! -JMS-
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