Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 1- of the rest of your life.

You don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great!
So you have considered making a lifestyle change... Way to go! That is the 1st step. Now comes the hard part, sorry to say. Or we can look at is as the fun part... Which I prefer. Change is scary but becoming a better, stronger, and happier person sounds like A LOT of fun to me.

So the 1st step in this process was to consider making the change, which if you are reading this blog you have done. So... Check! :). Now you have to commit to making a POSITIVE change... Doing so you must force yourself to let go of all the excuses that are currently popping into your head. Read on when you have done so...... ...... ....okay? Are you committed? ....yes? Good job! Now the next step is to set a goal... Not just any goal but a reachable goal. Something that is realistic for the time and effort you have committed to. When you set a goal the next best step is to find your inspiration or as I like to call it "FITspiration" This blog will help you with that but you also need something all yours... A reward for yourself when you reach your goal, or maybe an inspiration board you can look at when ya need that extra boost to succeed. Whatever will work for you! :) okay so quick recap...

Steps to follow as of right now are
 1- consider making a lifestyle change.
2- commit to making a POSITIVE change.
 3- say ADIOS to all the excuses... For good.
 4- set a reachable goal.
5- find your "FITspiration"

Sounds simple enough, right? :). Don't worry if you are scared or still unsure about where to start now... Because following these simple but powerful 5steps you are on the right track! And I promise the rest of this week I will be posting more "FITspiration" tips to get you pushed in the right direction. Just remember this is a journey.. And it will take time but it is so worth all the effort it is going to take! Stay positive, we are in this together! -JMS-

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