Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 3- every day I'm guzzlin' !!

at the end of the day, your health is your responsibility.
Jillian Michaels

So you made it another day... Awesome job! :). Unfortunately today's post is going to be filled with some tough love.. Hope ya can handle it! Just keep in mind the quote at the top of this post. :)

Okay the 1st order of business is to address your food journal... You've gotten one by now right? Haha well if not no worries but try to get one ASAP. I am going to share with you how I have set up my journal.. But you should take into account your needs and personality towards fitness when designing yours.
my 1st page is the list of fitness tips from yesterday's post and I have left room to add on as I see fit. If I see something or hear something I want to look back and remind me later then I write it down. These are just tips.. A simple guideline to follow throughout my journey. The last few pages in my journal are where I put anything little that offers me some FITspiration on those tough days. I have a few quotes written down, pics that I have pasted in there, and my kids handprints are back there as well. On the days I lack motivation or have low confidence I just grab my journal and BOOM! I am back on track. For those of you who don't have kids... Put your pets picture or paw print. Or your spouse.. Or even your own picture because after all... You are making this change for yourself 1st and foremost right? :) next, back to the front of my journal I have a postit stuck to the inside cover with my current goal and reward written down. This helps me stay on track and focused. After that it is a little different every day. I do however write the day on each page I use and I log my food daily, all meals, snacks, any food or drink I consume finds a place in the journal! I don't cheat because if I did it would only hurt myself. I also write down my daily workouts in my food journal.. So I guess really I should call it my fitness journal. Also at the end of each day I force myself to write a sentence or 2 on my feelings of the day. Positive feedback to myself provides motivation in the future and on bad days it simply gives me an outlet to vent. .....again this is just some ideas on how to set up a fitness journal. Do yours for yourself! :)

Next topic is something we all know about and know we should be doing but most of us still don't do it... DRINK MORE WATER!!!! :). Did you know that a lot of times you snack because you are "hungry" you might just be dehydrated and to avoid those extra calories all you had to was drink a cup of cold water? So stop and think next time you want a snack... Try some water 1st.
water fun facts:
1)drinking a glass of water every hour will help your body feel fuller throughout the day.
2) drink ICE cold water. Your body burns calories getting the water back up to a normal temp. to digest.
3)water is good for your complexion! Which you know you want.. :)

Up next? Weight loss vs fat loss! I am all for looking good but that doesn't exactly mean a super low number on the scale. Remember- muscle weighs more then fat! So being strong and in shape might not exactly mean a super low number on the scale instead however focus on a healthy BMI (body mass index). We will go farther in depth about this topic later, but feel free to research it for yourself until then. From this point on though I encourage you to focus your goals not on losing weight... But losing fat. This way of thinking is ALOT more positive and will help you in your journey of a healthy lifestyle. With that being said I do have some tips on how to increase your calorie burning on a daily basis.
1)Exercise better: don't be afraid to challenge yourself in every workout you do. If you are not sweating or dieting by the end, do it again!
2)Cross train: switching up your routine will help you stay excited and energized throughout your journey.
3) Lifestyle choices: this is a lifestyle not a temporary change. You have to learn to let go of temptations and focus on only the positive.

Last order of business today is to find and chart your start point... Simplest way to do this is a fitness test. Here is one that I recommend. Do this today and chart the results in your journal and repeat it every 6weeks to see your progress.
Fitness Test!
*max number of squats in 1 min.
*max number of pushups in 1 min.
*max number of situps/crunches in 1 min.
*max time you can hold a plank
*max distance you can travel in 10 mins. (walking, jogging, running.. Even crawling. Just keep moving!)

Okay, I hope your brain isn't on overload after this post. Haha... Just take things 1 step at a time. You can do it! And remember, stay positive, we are in this together! -JMS-

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