so as promised I am back with more FITspiration to this brand new journey you have started. the main goal of tonight's post is to establish that wishing to be in better shape or thinking about having a better lifestyle is not how to accomplish such things. YOU HAVE TO HAVE A PLAN! yup... a plan. pretty simple concept except most people have not a clue when it comes to fitness or a healthy lifestyle where their plan should start or continue. well... you are in luck because this post is going to be FILLED with helpful tips to push you in the right direction. so, lets get started. =)
My top 10 fitness tips
- start moving! walking, jogging, running, skipping, riding a bike... whatever! just start moving on a daily basis.
- drink more water! even if you think you drink enough.. drink more!
- log what you eat in a food journal! keeping yourself accountable is a huge self tool to a better you.
- never skip breakfast! or any meal for that matter. skipping meals doesn't help fat loss but hurt it instead.
- exercise with a friend/friends! makes things more fun and helps you stay on track.
- eat more veggies! corn, green beans, peas... whatever! just eat more veggies throughout the day.
- set goals and make rewards! you have to give yourself something to look forward to.
- weigh yourself weekly! another self accountability tool. might be tough at 1st but soo worth it to track your results.
- enjoy cheat days! we are human.. and none of us are perfect. give yourself a break now and again. you deserve it; i promise.
- have fun & stay positive! you won't stick with it unless you have a good attitude towards it. i promise!
*Every excuse is a choice to fail*
next order of business is tackling all those excuses you have put out there over the years...
top 5 excuses i have heard are:
- not enough time
- not enough energy
- do not know where to start or what to do
- to much stress to worry about it right now
- i just can't
steps for effective time management:
- establish your priorities and stick with them- put yourself at the top of list because you are responsible for yourself and your health.
- monitor your current time use- be honest with yourself... for a week right down what you do throughout the day. don't cheat or it won't be an accurate tool to help you in the future.
- analyze your current time use- look back at the log you took of yourself for the past week.. surprised just how much time you have wasted?
- make a schedule you will be able to stick to- sit down with your family and make a schedule of things that need to be done, would like to be done, and so on. make it something everyone can stick to. this simple step will actually help you organize the rest of your life as well. promise. =)
- be physically active: 30-60mins a day is ideal. do your very best to accomplish this goal.
- get sufficient sleep: 8hours a night is what drs recommend. again, do your very best to accomplish this goal.
- build a strong social support system: friends... family... spouse. whoever! a support system is the #1 key to get you through those hard days.
- allow time for fun: fun is important and helps you stay young. something simple as an ice cream date with your spouse, or a game night with friends.. picnic at the park with your family. life is short- enjoy it!
- engage in effective time management: look at the steps above and make yourself a schedule! i promise this simple tool will help in HUGE ways you never would've thought possible.
i hope these tips help you to continue down the right path towards a positive change. remember we are only getting started so don't expect change overnight! it won't happen... but change is possible and we are getting there. =)
remember- stay positive, we are on this journey together! -JMS-
ps: quick workout for those who simply can not wait another day! haha let me know what you think!
::Killer beginner LEGS::
20 squats
30 lunges (each leg)
40 mountain climbers
50sec wall squat/the chair
100 jumping jacks
50sec wall squat/the chair
40 mountain climbers
30 lunges (each leg)
20 squats
-rest 30sec.-
*repeat 2x*
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