-Jillian Michaels
Good evening all! So I am on the road again this weekend but I managed to squeeze in a few mins to add a few quick notes to here. I have some awesome notes to add to help you through your weekend.. get excited! =) the 1st thing is with spring right around the corner I know we are all busting our booty's trying to get off those last few lbs so we feel better when those spring dresses and stuff come back around... well I have found a good way to work off that "muffin top" we all like to complain about. simple but with some dedication and effort you can do it and say adios and feel sooo much better in those shorts and swimsuits that will be filling our drawers here before we know it! take a look at this and get busy! haha
The muffin-busting plan
These intervals work with any cardio exercise you like—such as walking, biking or jogging. (jumping rope is also a great cardio exercise that is fun and a bit different to mix things up.)Start off with a five-minute warm-up at a low-to-moderate intensity to get your blood flowing.
Pick up the pace for one minute; the effort required should be about a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10—1 being effortless and 10 being extremely tough. Speed isn’t the only way to boost intensity; try increasing the treadmill incline, running stairs or hopping onto a tough cardio machine like a stair-stepper.
Recover for one to two minutes at an easier pace—about a 5 on your toughness scale.
Repeat those hard and easy intervals for a total of 20 minutes. Once you get the interval rhythm down, throw in some spurts in which you’re working at an 8 or 9 on your intensity scale to challenge your body and burn even more fat.
Cool down for five minutes at a light pace.
next order is I found a good list of some fat burning foods to add into your meal planing.
my last few thoughts for tonight are something I have been struggling a little with while away from home... snacks! haha.. but i have managed to keep them healthy thanks to an awesome tip from a friend of mine.. she told me that one of the best ways to keep snacks healthy is to keep them colorful and focus on PORTION SIZE! remember it is suppose to be a snack... not another meal! =)
a good idea is to make a healthy snack station for a quick go to when you do get those unexpected munchies.. make it quick and simple so you can satisfy your craving with something healthy instead of opening that bag of chips or cookies. here is a good idea for a starter one... (keep in mind that dipping can add lots of unwanted calories so do it in moderation! and fruit is a wonderful substitute for that sweet tooth rather then the brownie or bowl of ice cream.)
Refrigerator Snack Station
- Jar of peanut butter (preferably the natural kind, for dipping)
- String cheese
- Yogurt
- Grapes
- Assorted fruits&veggies—baby-cut carrots, celery sticks, pepper slices—in plastic bags
- Orange segments
- Lunch-meat roll-ups (like turkey-and-Swiss or ham-and-Cheddar)
- Tub of hummus (for dipping)

Pantry Snack Station
- Fish-shaped crackers (best bet: the kind sold at health-food stores that don't have hydrogenated oils)
- A Real Simple kids' mix: Cheerios, raisins, almonds, pretzels, and chocolate chips
- Fruit leathers
- Graham crackers
- Pretzels
- Cheerios
- Almonds
- Raisins or other dried fruits

here is a good link from Fitness Mag for some healthy homemade snacks under 100 calories. some of these will most def be tried when I get home. haha
also from Real Simple Mag here is a list of 9 Healthy predinner snacks to try.
hope that some of these ideas help you tame that snack beast inside haha.... remember we are on this journey together- stay postive! -JMS
p.s. 33 fixes for an empty stomach some good points to think about! =)
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