Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21st, 2012.... 3 C's of life.

*3 C's of life.. Choices, Chances, &&Changes!.... you must make a choice to take a chance or else your life will never change.*

So we have made a choice to take a chance and change things... now what... keep making that same choice every day you wake up. living a healthy life isn't always easy... takes a HUGE commitment... for most it is a daily struggle and for most it seems almost impossible... well lets not be most! lets be the few that change what most think and believe. =) being healthy is all about forming healthy habits and creating an organized lifestyle that makes the healthy choice the easiest choice. So this week's post will be about the1st few steps to creating an organized lifestyle and a few simple tools on switching habits in your daily life. As well as killer leg workouts and some healthy grillin' options for those summer cookouts. so take notes and get ready to revamp the way you live on a daily basis. =)

Okay so for most the 1st step to an organized life.. is an organized house! well for me i am a list maker and 10000000 list in 100000000 places wasn't working... so I found this AWESOME blog (Girl Loves Glam) and she had this awesome idea for an organization board. I fully recommend EVERYONE does this simple project. Remember to take into account your lifestyle and your needs for the board.... mix things up to fit what you need the board to accomplish! =)

so now that your list are in order take a month and organize all the rooms in your house. best advice on this is pick a major room every weekend and kick it's butt!! ie- weekend #1: Kitchen, weekend #2: Living room, weekend #3: Bathrooms, Weekend #4: Bedroom. (bonus weekend:: CLOSETS!) When tackling an organization project as big as your whole house... easiest way is breaking it down! giving yourself a manageable list of tasks to accomplish in a manageable amount of time. Also, take advantage of the trash can/recycle bin!! most of us have WAY too much clutter in our house... be realistic about the things you truly need. Consider having a garage sale at the end of the month to get rid of the clutter or simple just donate thing as you go. If you haven't used something in the past 6months... do you really honestly need it?? if it holds an emotional value to you keep it... but if you just keep it because you might need it one day... reconsider holding onto! Below are a list of pics to help inspire you in your organization goals... remember you are the person who has to live with it so make it work best for your lifestyle! =)

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for more inspiration when it comes to organizing... check out Pinterest. =).

Now that all YOUR spaces are organized... lets work on the rest of the family.. for those of you who have kids... take a look at this article: 8 Great Tips to Organize a Kids Room. Very helpful! =)
and my last bit of advice on a organizing your home is this really awesome cleaning chart! a clean house feels more organized! =)

(print it out and stick in on your organization board! it'll help you keep your home clean ALL month long =) )

if you still need more help to organizing your life check out this awesome list- 27 great tips to keep your life organized!


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