Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21st, 2012.... 3 C's of life.

*3 C's of life.. Choices, Chances, &&Changes!.... you must make a choice to take a chance or else your life will never change.*

So we have made a choice to take a chance and change things... now what... keep making that same choice every day you wake up. living a healthy life isn't always easy... takes a HUGE commitment... for most it is a daily struggle and for most it seems almost impossible... well lets not be most! lets be the few that change what most think and believe. =) being healthy is all about forming healthy habits and creating an organized lifestyle that makes the healthy choice the easiest choice. So this week's post will be about the1st few steps to creating an organized lifestyle and a few simple tools on switching habits in your daily life. As well as killer leg workouts and some healthy grillin' options for those summer cookouts. so take notes and get ready to revamp the way you live on a daily basis. =)

Okay so for most the 1st step to an organized life.. is an organized house! well for me i am a list maker and 10000000 list in 100000000 places wasn't working... so I found this AWESOME blog (Girl Loves Glam) and she had this awesome idea for an organization board. I fully recommend EVERYONE does this simple project. Remember to take into account your lifestyle and your needs for the board.... mix things up to fit what you need the board to accomplish! =)

so now that your list are in order take a month and organize all the rooms in your house. best advice on this is pick a major room every weekend and kick it's butt!! ie- weekend #1: Kitchen, weekend #2: Living room, weekend #3: Bathrooms, Weekend #4: Bedroom. (bonus weekend:: CLOSETS!) When tackling an organization project as big as your whole house... easiest way is breaking it down! giving yourself a manageable list of tasks to accomplish in a manageable amount of time. Also, take advantage of the trash can/recycle bin!! most of us have WAY too much clutter in our house... be realistic about the things you truly need. Consider having a garage sale at the end of the month to get rid of the clutter or simple just donate thing as you go. If you haven't used something in the past 6months... do you really honestly need it?? if it holds an emotional value to you keep it... but if you just keep it because you might need it one day... reconsider holding onto! Below are a list of pics to help inspire you in your organization goals... remember you are the person who has to live with it so make it work best for your lifestyle! =)

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for more inspiration when it comes to organizing... check out Pinterest. =).

Now that all YOUR spaces are organized... lets work on the rest of the family.. for those of you who have kids... take a look at this article: 8 Great Tips to Organize a Kids Room. Very helpful! =)
and my last bit of advice on a organizing your home is this really awesome cleaning chart! a clean house feels more organized! =)

(print it out and stick in on your organization board! it'll help you keep your home clean ALL month long =) )

if you still need more help to organizing your life check out this awesome list- 27 great tips to keep your life organized!


Thursday, May 17, 2012

i'm back!! ......OVERDUE post! =)

hello fitspiration followers! ....i have to start off this post with a HUGE  I AM SORRY!!! my life has been crazy for the past few months and i have done major slacking when it comes to this blog. please forgive me and get excited for my return to the blog world! ohhh yeahhh Lol.

okay so bikini season is upon us... actually I just spent all weekend in the Bahamas, thus in a bikini. so we are all i am sure on a healthy kick right now huh? well lets make it more then just a "kick" but a permanent lifestyle choice! =)  in this post i will be giving you a few things.. the 1st is a small list of food that will help ya snooooze better. better sleep=more energy which will make you overall happier and ready to take on lifes challenges (big&small), as well as my top 5 healthy summer snacks of the week, and even an awesome ab workout to put into use before memorial weekend hits us all. so get out that journal of yours, dust it off, and get busy on an awesome summer of looking and feeling great!

okay so let's get started ...this list of snooooze foods i got from dr.oz actually (side note-- i am not a huge fan of dr. oz but he does offer a lot of good advice and tips... my advice is look at his website but avoid his show. he is annoying to watch and listen to but on his website you can pick and choose what you learn from him.) i bet you didn't actually consider that your diet can help or hurt your sleep this much did you? well it can! so be careful what you eat before bed and honestly I suggest that you try to not eat within 3hours of falling asleep... ie you want to go to bed at 10pm, so don't eat past 7pm. if you are one of those people that crave a bedtime snack, try a glass of milk or warm cup of tea (my suggestions are either yogi bedtime or lipton bedtime stories).

anyway.... the following are simple, tasty and nutritious options to help you get the 7-8 hours of sleep that are so critical to your health:

Food SnoozeBananas
Bananas are chockfull of potassium and magnesium, which both help to relax your muscles to give you a peaceful night’s sleep. Bananas also have the added benefit of helping to lower your blood pressure while you sleep.

Food SnoozePopcorn
Popcorn with parmesan cheese provides a delicious combination of carbohydrates and dairy. Dairy has tryptophan in it, which is a precursor to a sleep-inducing hormone, and the carbohydrates in the popcorn help your brain absorb tryptophan better. For simple instructions to make light, homemade popcorn, click here.

Food SnoozeChia Seeds
Top your salads with chia seeds; they contain the sleep-inducing amino acid tryptophan. The tryptophan in chia seeds, like in turkey, raises melatonin and serotonin levels, which promotes stable sleep. With more than twice the tryptophan of turkey, you’ll need just 2 ounces of chia seeds to help you snooze.

Food SnoozeWheat Germ
Wheat germ sprinkled on yogurt or cereal will provide you with a boost of vitamin B6, used in sleep aids for its ability to alleviate stress and anxiety. Try 1 teaspoon of wheat germ for more restful sleep.


Food SnoozeValerian Tea
A cup of valerian tea with honey before bed is a centuries-old practice. The natural compounds in valerian tea have been used as a sedative and may help reduce the amount of time it takes for you to fall asleep. The glucose in honey will help you relax as you are trying to fall asleep; it affects orexin, a neurotransmitter that has been linked to alertness. To learn more about the health benefits of honey, click here.

Food SnoozeCherry Juice
Tart cherry juice is rich in melatonin, the sleep hormone that regulates and resets your internal clock. Drink an 8 oz. glass in the morning and 2 hours before bed for sweet dreams. To get the full benefit, drink this juice at a scheduled time every day. To read more about melatonin, click here.

Food SnoozeTurkey Burger
A turkey burger with spinach on a whole wheat bun is the perfect meal for restful sleep. You can thank the tryptophan in turkey for that. Tryptophan not only affects melatonin, but it also creates serotonin, which helps to stabilize sleep. The iron in spinach is also known to help relieve the symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome. For Dr. Oz-approved turkey recipes, click here.

Food SnoozeCheese and Crackers
Cheese and 100% whole grain crackers are your best bedtime-snack bet. The whole grains help produce serotonin. Cheese, like other dairy products, contains tryptophan. Together, they make for a winning combination.

Food SnoozeSunflower Seeds
Relax before bed with a sunflower seed snack. Full of the amino acid tryptophan, sunflower seeds can help you manage stress and will stimulate the chemicals in your brain that get you to doze off. Click here to learn more about the power of seeds.

next is my top 5 summertime snack ideas.... if you have any yummy ideas PLEASE email them to me so i can share with everyone. these are a good mix of sweet ideas as well as savory. Enjoy!

::Summertime Snacks of the Week::

Ants on a log is a healthy snack made of celery sticks topped with peanut butter and raisins. It works well in summer because it doesn't need cooking and you can put it together in minutes. Celery is a high-fiber food and peanut butter is a healthy source of both protein and unsaturate fat. One cup of raw celery provides about 2 g of fiber, and 2 tbsp. of peanut butter contains about 7 g of protein. Adults should get between 46 and 56 g protein per day, and 20 to 35 g of fiber per day. This quick healthy snack will leave you feeling satisfied and is easy to take with you for a summer picnic. To change things up, use apple slices instead of celery sticks.

A melon salad is a refreshing low-calorie snack that cools you down. One cup of watermelon only contains about 46 calories and almost no fat, making it a low-calorie snack to help you control your weight. A snack should be around 100 to 200 calories, so you can indulge in a melon salad. Mix watermelon with cantaloupe and honeydew melons or add in sweet summer blueberries and strawberries.
 3) Salad Stick Recipe(makes 12 skewers)

1 pkg white whole mushrooms
1 medium red onion
1 green bell pepper
2 zucchini
1 pint cherry tomatoes
12 skewers

Wet a paper towel and clean mushroom caps. Remove stems from mushrooms. Cut onion in half and then cut 4 pieces of each half. Clean and cut bell pepper into 1/2 inch pieces.
Peel zucchini and slice into 1 inch pieces. Place ingredients onto skewers. Heat grill and cook on medium heat for 5 minutes per side until vegetables are your desired doneness. Enjoy!
These can be made ahead and reheated on the grill or in the oven.

16 calories, 0.2 g fat, 3.5 g carbohydrates, 0.8 g protein, 1.0 g fiber, 5 mg sodium 
 You don't have to be the belle of the barbeque to put together a creative jello combination; jello with fruit and a dollop of whipped cream will give you a nice sugar buzz mid-afternoon. Choose the sugar-free kind if you're watching your calories. Using less water will give you a firmer texture, and you can cut this into snack-size cubes.
When you're in the mood for something salty, don't settle for any old Chex mix. A quick mix of cornflakes, pretzels, and a handful of nuts topped with low-fat margarine and Parmesan cheese will give you a quick snack fix. Just combine the dry ingredients in a plastic bag, then cover with cheese, a dry cheese pasta mix, and margarine to bake at 325 degrees for 10 minutes. Cool and store for a week of easy-to-reach treats.
and now for the fun part.... the ab workout! yeahhhh buddy I bet you are all sooo excited!! haha I am because I am excited to show off that bikini body. but before the workout here is the an additional tip so you can get the most outta the time you do have to workout-  remember 90%diet and 10%gym. what you eat is IMPORTANT so stay focused on eating healthy!
For additional tips on under covering those muscles and getting some kick butt gorgeous abs, follow these 6 recommendations:
1) Drink water throughout the day and always have some on hand when doing this challenge.
2) Eat smaller portions.
3) Eliminate refined sugar and white flour. Instead eat whole grains and foods that don’t have added sugar.
4) Avoid sodas…diet included.
5) Speed your metabolism by eating more often, 5-6 times each day. Remember, meals should not be the standard restaurant portions but rather mini meals. Eating on salad plates instead of dinner size plates is a good start.
6) Eat breakfast and you’re more likely to stick to a smaller portions throughout the day.

::10min AB circuits::
This workout has 2 interval circuits. This type of workout is hardcore but effective. You will need less than 10 minutes for today’s workout. Here’s how it works:
Complete routine #1 and repeat one additional time. Rest 1 minute then begin routine #2 and repeat one time. This type of workout continues to burn fat for up to 24 hours.
Here’s the breakdown for the circuits:
20 seconds for each exercise + 10 seconds rest = 30 seconds
30 x 8 = 240 seconds / 60 seconds = 4 minutes
Routine #1
Mountain Climbers – 20 seconds
Rest – 10 seconds
Sissors – 20 seconds
Rest – 10 seconds
Knees In and Out – 20 seconds
Rest – 10 seconds
Plank – 20 seconds
Rest – 1 minute
Routine #2Toe Touch – 20 seconds
Rest – 10 seconds
Air Bike – 20 seconds
Rest – 10 seconds
Crunches – 20 seconds
Rest – 10 seconds
Plank – 20 seconds
Rest – 10 seconds

another good ab workout to check out is the Brett Hoebel's Flat Belly Workout :: this is a video so check it out and enjoy! and seriously... who doesn't have 5min to workout a day?? so stop the excuses and get busy for those bikini bodies! haha


well hope you guys are glad that I am back... and hope you all get a little something if not a lot outta this post. i know i did just writting it. now get busy and enjoy a BEAUTIFUL sunny afternoon.

as always... we are in this together -jms